- Worried about being filmed? Don't be - this is a perfectly normal reaction for most people! I've made over 900 films for businesses large and small and must have filmed several 1000 people in the last 15+ years. I'm also very patient so I'll help you get the very best delivery to camera on the day. You're in good hands!
- How long will it take to set the gear up for an interview? Typically a minimum of 45 minutes is needed for the full professional camera, lighting and sound set-up for recording an important key narrative, ideally nearer an hour. However, if it's out and about (factory floor, around offices and laboratories/involves 1-2 lines from numerous people) it can sometimes just take a few minutes before we're rolling at each stop. We'll discuss the details of all this during our planning ahead of the filming date. I own various HD and 4K cameras - which is important as that means I know exactly how to get the very best out of each bit of equipment. If you're interested in the technical side of some of the huge array of professional film making equipment we have at our disposal there are numerous pages about our gear in the Blog section, HERE.

- I'm very patient! I'm a past master at making people relaxed in front of camera too, keeping them calm as I sort out the microphones and lighting, especially if they are nervous about being filmed - which is of course almost everyone! I genuinely want to try and help people come across well to camera, to really shine when explaining what their business, product or service is all about. I'm not phased by seniority either, I can usually get on well with everyone from the CEO to the guy driving the fork lift truck. If they are in the film, each and every person deserves all the help I can give. I try and make filming fun too - sometimes it's even hilarious! Giving people time by not putting unrealistic time pressure on their spots to camera helps a lot. If it takes 25 takes, so be it! Patience is certainly a virtue and I'm repeatedly told I have bucket loads of it. One guy I filmed recently needed over 200 takes. It was for a 1-minute film - you do the maths!

- What happens after filming? Typically, within 10 working days you will be able to view a private web page with a “Rough Cut” of your short film(s); 20 days for a more ‘complex to edit’ promotional film. The editing or post-production stage is covered in more detail HERE.